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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  July 31, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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the sentencing phase begins for bradley manning. the army private is convicted of spilling government secrets to wikileaks but escapes the most serious charge he faced. washington prepares for another budget showdown. president obama hopes to make headway on capitol hill today after the republicans say no deal to his latest offer of bargain. and a jailbreak caught on tape. a prisoner makes a daring escape in broad daylight and is still on the run. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for wednesday, july 31st, 2013. good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. well, the sentencing phase of bradley manning's trial begins today and is expected to take weeks.
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yesterday a military judge convicted the army private on 20 counts of giving secret government items to the website wikileaks, but manning was not found guilty of the most serious charge. he released hundreds of thousands of documents including this video of a 2007 attack by an american apache helicopter in iraq that kills a dozen people. jericka duncan reports. >> reporter: army private bradley manning did not react as the military judge at ft. meade read the verdict. she found him not guilty of aiding the enemy. but the judge did find the 25-year-old guilty of lesser charges including espionage, theft, and computer fraud. manning faced a court-martial for leaking more than 700,000 classified documents to the website wikileaks. prosecutors say he was a low ranking intelligence analyst who handed over state department cables, battle reports, and videos.
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retired army major mike lions, cbs news consultant, says this case sets a new precedent. >> i think the message here is the government is going to go after whistle blowers and people who believe they can impart their values on the system. >> reporter: but julian assange condemned the verdict. >> it is a dangerous precedent and an example of national security extremism. >> reporter: after the verdict manning's attorney told the crowd his client won the battle but still needs to win the war. jericka duncan, cbs news. today the senate is expected to vote on a bill that would end america's $1.75 million in aid to egypt. supporters for morsi rallied in cairo yesterday. morsi has been detained since july 3rd and is being investigated for murder.
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republican senator john mccain and lindsey graham are opposed to cutting aid to egypt. at the request of president obama, mccain and graham plan to visit egypt next week. to meet with military leaders who oppose mohamed morsi. the message, it's important to move forward with new elections and a return to civilian rule. well, congress begins its summer recess this weekend. today president obama travels to capitol hill. he'll meet with democratic lawmakers the day after his latest offer of grand bargain to cut the deficit was dismissed by republicans. susan mcginnis has more. president obama heads to capitol hill today to make sure democrats are on the sage page before battling it out with republicans next month. >> as washington heads toward another budget debate, the stakes couldn't be hired. >> when congressinonal members
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return after labor day, they face a big problem. they're among a group of republicans who say they won't approve any new budget if it includes one thing. >> we all know that the government's going to get funded. the only question is whether the government gets funded with obama care or without it. >> lawmakers face another deadline. in about a month the u.s. reaches the debt ceiling and could default on its loans unless congress raises the borrowing limit. if this sounds familiar, it should. it's the same battle that played out in 2011. the answer then, automatic budget cuts known as sequestration, which democrats blame for the slow economic recovery. >> we've already lost 1.6 million jobs. sequestration. >> but republicans say the cuts aren't the problem. >> borrowing, spending, raising taxes, and overregulation are not a prescription for a vibrant economy. >> the 2011 debt ceiling debate led to america's credit being downgraded for the first time in history. so today the president will be
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concentrating on democrats here on capitol hill. this is after yesterday he offered this grand bargain to republicans that would soundly rejected, wanting to actually cut the corporate tax rate and use the funding to create jobs. republicans did not want any part of that. they wanted much more of that in their bargain. anne-marie? >> susan mcginnis in washington. thank you, susan. well, overseas investigators say it appears human error is to blame for last week's deadly tran crash? spain. the engineer was on the phone when it jumped the tracks. the train was traveling at 95 miles an hour, almost twice the speed limit, when it crashed on wednesday. 79 people were killed and 66 others were injured. the engineer was speaking to a railroad official. and the cause of that massive propane plant explosion in florida is still under investigation, but the tavares city fire chief says ee kwamt failure or human error may be to
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blame. canisters of propane were shot into the air, but three 33,000 propane containers did not explode. eight workers were injured, but no one died. on "cbs moneywatch," a crackdown and drinks fizzle. ashley morrison is here in new york. >> good morning, anne-marie. asian reports were lower according to earnings shares reports. tokyo's nikkei fell 1% while hong kong's hang seng dropped half a percent. all eyes are on the federal reserve today. investors will be looking for clues about when the fed might pull back on its massive bond buying program. also today the government will release its report on the economy. analysts expect it to grow only about 1%. on wall street investors held back, waiting for today's statement from the fed. on tuesday the dow dipped into the red, dropping just over one point. the nasdaq had a good day, jumping 17 points.
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facebook is on a roll for the first time since it went public more than a year ago. shares are now just 4 cents short of its initial offering of $38. just last week facebook reported earnings that beat wall street's expectations. the social network now gets 40% of its revenue from mobile ads. home prices are also on a roll. they jumped more than 12% in may compared to a year ago. that's the biggest annual gain since march of 2006. but despite the recent gains, home prices for most of the country are still about 25% below their peak in july of 2006. new york city's attempt to crack down on big sugary drinks has gone flat again. they found the city exceeded its legal authority. major bloomberg called the latest riling a temporary setback. >> disappointing. there are an awful lot of people
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dying from the effects of being overweight. it's the single biggest, fastest growing problem in the country. it's particularly a problem among poor people. >> bloomberg has promised to appeal the decision. and apple faces a possible class action lawsuit. two former workers filed a complaint last week in federal court. they say employees at apple retail stores do not get paid to undergo two mandatory bag searches day, costing them up to $1,500 a year in pay. apple has declined to comment. it will be interesting to see how that plays out. >> how long would those bag searches take? >> if it was my bag, it would take a long time. coming up on the "morning news," free on bond. one of the stars of "real housewives of new jersey" free on bond.
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and window of opportunity. an inmate makes a bid for freedom with the cops in hot pursuit. this is the "cbs morning news." s in hot pursuit. this is the "cbs morning news." how'd you d9 out of 10.iz today? 9 out of ten? that's great. ♪ nothing says, "i'm happy to see you too," like a milk-bone biscuit. ♪ say it with milk-bone.
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so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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a prisoner escaped from a county jail in arkansas. derrick estelle crawled out of a service window, and a deputy was right behind in hot pursuit. security cameras show estelle running away in broad daylight. a woman was waiting in a getaway car. estelle is still on the loose. the u.s. government is paying more than $4 million in a settlement with a california college student. daniel chong was locked up in a windowless cell for more than four days without food and water last april. he drank his own urine to survive. the dea took chong into custody during a drug raid.
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he said he tried everything to get someone's attention. >> i was kicking the door, yelled, put some shoelaces through the crack of the door for visual signs. i didn't stay still, no. i was screaming. >> chong was never charged with the crime. the dea has apologized but has not explained how chong was locked up and then forgotten. well, health officials in two states have pinpointed the source of a severe stomach bug that sickened hundreds around the country. as bigad shaban reports, they're blaming packaged salad contaminated with a rare parasite. >> reporter: this is the microscopic culprit blamed for a nationwide health scare. it's called cyclospora and it's a parasite that cause diarrhea, abdominal pain. the most common contaminants, food and water. 372 cases have been reported in states.
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now health officials in iowa and nebraska say they know why. >> we found that a prepackaged salad contain as variety of things. iceberg, romaine lettuce and cabbage and carrots appear to be the vehicle for it. >> reporter: a specific brand has not been named. >> there are cyclospora outbreaks going on. at this point we can't connect the two. >> reporter: the outbreak may be nearing an end. they believe the contaminant is no longer in the food supply. their message, keep eating salad. >> definitely salads are very small. >> reporter: but consumers are urged to wash fresh fruits and vegetables well and read labels on prepackaged produce. bigad shaban, cbs news.
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straight ahead on "cbs morning news," your weather. and we'll show you how one team with a suspended player is trying to make good with fans. . lean antibiotic-free ham... and vermont white cheddar. get 16 grams of protein and 23 grams of whole grain in the breakfast power sandwich. ♪ ♪ i've got something for you too. (announcer) fancy feast delights with cheddar. a meal that is sure to delight your cheese lover. now available in the classic form she loves. fancy feast. the best ingredient is love.
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but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. can pure chocolate goodnessthat? that brings people together. when the chocolate is hershey's life is delicious. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. new york, sunshine today. miami, thunderstorms, and showers in chicago. mostly sunny in dallas. 101 the high there though. los angeles, cloudy and sun. time now for a check of the national forecast. showers and thunderstorms will roll east across the mississippi
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valley. isolated thunderstorms are possible from nebraska to west kansas and from the northwest through the rockies. and temperatures could top 100 degrees in central and east texas. in sports, major league baseball has reportedly told the players union which players will be penalized in the latest performance-enhancing drug scandal. the league is hoping to announce the suspensions by friday. new york yankees star alex rodriguez is the most prominent player facing suspension. rodriguez and several other players allegedly received p.e.d.s from a florida anti-aging clinic. a-rod's potential suspension could be in excess of 50 games. milwaukee brewers' star ryan braun has already been suspended for the rest of year for using p.e. dmts, but instead of keeping the $3 million that braun was supposed to earn, the brewers are spending it on the fans.
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fans who attend milwaukee home games in august will receive $10 vouchers to use on food, drinks, merchandise, and game tickets. the brewers expect the promotion will cost them a little more than $3 million. and the st. louis cardinals came out of the all-star break with the best record in the nag national league, but the second half is not going so well for the redbirds. the cards lose 2-1 in the second inning of the second half of a double hitter with the pirates. pirates pile on. the pirates win 6-0 and in doing so, they take the top spot in the n.l. central from st. louis. that's where it's apparently headed. according to, 20th century fox has acquired the movie rights to warner wright's story. warner was undrafted out of college and went from stocking grocery store shelves to winning the super bowl in 2000 with the st. louis frans. the big question now, who will
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play the two-time mvp. as long as they're good looking and more talented than me, i'm happy with that. but, you know, we'll see. obviously my wife has recommendations of people she'd like to meet along the way, but people smarter than us who know the business better than us will make those decisions. >> warner retired in 2010. he played in three super bowls. when we return, a school district arms teachers and staff. plus, reality check. a real housewives star and her husband are charged with fraud and tax evasion and face some very real jail time.
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compromised communications the bay area. and got the attention of the f-b-i. plus - only four days and a of numbers stand between ba workers and another strike. blame game that may be keepg both bart and union leaders from reaching a deal. "shame, shame, shame." and a rowdy protest over two security measures - aimed at stopping violent attacks at oakland rallies. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 good morning. it's,,,,
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. washington, d.c., afternoon thunderstorms. thunderstorms in atlanta and st. louis as well. denver, thundershowers and a high of 89. seattle, clouds and sun. new legal problems for san diego mayor bob filner. the city council voted last night to force filner to pay for
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the cost of defending a sexual harassment lawsuit. it was filed by his former communications director. she is one of eight women who accuse filner of unwanted sexual advances. the mayor is defying calls to resign, but filner says he will undergo two weeks of intensive therapy in august. and a school district in arkansas is arming more than 20 teachers and other employees. it's a new security measure. participants received 53 hours of training. they also got $1,100 to buy a handgun and holster. dlarksville school district came up with the program after the shooting at sandy hook elementary in connecticut last december. >> and your morning coffee could be more than a cup of caffeine. it could be good for your long-term mental health.
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it lowers their suicide risk by 50%. researchers believe coffee acts as a mild anti-depressant. and a big dose of reality for a reality tv star and her husband. teresa and joe giudice were in court tuesday. she's a cast member of the real housewives of new jersey. teresa's lawyer says the government is prosecuting the they made false statements on loan applications. teresa's lawyer says they're prosecuting the couple because they're celebrities. >> the coin has two sides. there's two sides here you haven't heard but you'll hear in the courtroom and we're going to prepare the defense accordingly. >> the two were released on $500,000 each and could face charges that could pud them behind bars for hundreds of years. >> well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," actor dean norris from the hit series "under the dome." i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." ♪ i, i got it, i got it made
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for a brand new shopping experience. petsmart®.
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the library of congress is undertaking a monumental task. there are literally hundreds of thousands of tv shows from the 1950s to the 1970s that are in danger of being lost forever. jan crawford is taking a look at what's being done to make sure these snippets of history are preserved for future generations. >> here's johnny. >> reporter: there are moments that define america, and the record of many of them are stored this vault in culpeper, virginia, but these videotapes, some 50 years old, are deteriorating, and there is a race to preserve the history they contain.
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rob stone is the moving image curator of the library of congress. >> i think an important thing is to capture people's memories, to take people back to the day when they first saw carol burnett tug on her ear or the day when walter cronkite couldn't hardly finish his sentence in november 1963 when kennedy was shot. >> some 38 minutes ago. >> reporter: the tapes are being preserved and stored at the library's conservation campus. there are more than 3 million moving image items. there's johnny carson and ed sullivan and snippets of another era that are rarely seen in reruns. >> you've seen "i love lucy," but you haven't seen "i love lucy." >> reporter: what have i been missing? >> you missed the little characters at the beginning and you miss ricky and lucy breaking during commercial smoking a cigarette because the show was sponsored by a cigarette company.
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>> reporter: the old tapes that remain only play on machines from the same era, and now there's only one company left in the u.s. that maintains them. >> these are all tapes which we have completed. >> reporter: paul klamer oversees most of the video. >> most of this is from the '80s. >> reporter: preservationist bill rush says the videos often arrive from television stations in nondescribed cases. he had no idea he would discover this 1975 documentary from mississippi public television with bb king introduces blues pioneers. this one, hayes mcmullen. this is a treasure. >> it's an american treasure, right. >> reporter: and that's the goal. to unearth and preserve these jewels of american culture and history before they disappear.
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jan crawford, cbs news, culpeper, virginia. well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on the bradley manning verdict. we'll get legal analysis from jack ford. plus, the war of words between new jersey governor chris christie and senator rand paul. and actor dean norris stops by the studio. that's the "cbs morning news" for this wednesday. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. -- captions by vitac --
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your real time captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning, it's hump day, i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now 4:29. let's check the weather with lawrence. >> got a lot of fog and low
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clouds even some drizzle around the bay area this morning. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. we'll talk about that coming up. >> we have a lot of overnight roadwork out there this morning. this is a live look at 880 near hegenberger. we have various lanes blocked nair hegenberger and 23rd. >> a lot of people out at 4:30. the crowd at the oakland city council meeting got upset over a vote that came around midnight. the city council voted to accept $2 million in a federal grant to upgrade oakland's surveillance camera system. the money is for what's called a domain awareness center. it will be a central hub for police and others to monitor the security system. then they took up an ordinance. at 1:20 this morning, councilmembeav


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